Saturday, January 21, 2012

New PDay and Some Changes - January 21, 2012

Hello Mama,

So a lot has happened this week. When I told you my companion was wanting to leave for his house I didn't know what was going to happen. The Zone Leaders Monday told us to return to their house in the evening and the next day I would be with one of them while my companion went to Reu to talk with President. Well when we got to their house they told me I have emergency changes and need to go pack my things. Only 2 weeks in Nueva Concepcion and I was already leaving. It was hard to pack up my things again. I didn't get anything more and I had just unpacked a little but I couldn't make it all fit so I got rid of a couple clothes and things. Tuesday I went to Reu and President wanted to speak with me. He said he is going to put a bomb in my hand. He wants me to be the new Financial Secretary for the mission. He said Elder Card suggested me and President said it's a bomb because I will be managing the money and money can't just disappear. I also have to be aware of where I go and how I get there. He doesn't want people here in Guatemala to know that I'm the financial secretary because if I go around telling everyone people on the street will think I have lots of money because I'm with the church. So I accepted. I am training side by side with Elder Card, he will be leaving the office this next month. It is very different and interesting. I have an office and a cell phone, crazy. I share a house with 5 missionaries, right now there are 8 of us in the house cause people are being trained. But I do have hot water again and I love it. I drove a car for the first time the other day and that was not very strange but the people drive a little different here. It is pretty cool in the office. I get to go to a lot of places to help out the missionaries and I get to become really close friends with the people here in the office and Presidnet and his family. Also because the office does things different then the others my Pdays are now on Saturday. I loved your dearelders I got. Oh one crazy thing with my calling is now everyone calls me with money questions, where is my money? When will I get my money? I don't have anymore money. It is kinda crazy how many calls I get and the times I have to say you got all your money but you spent it all so I'm sorry. I think I will like it here in the office. Also I think that my time as Financial Secretary will be great for my time after the mission. With a bank or other job, I think these skills will help me a lot. I hope the family is doing well. I'm glad you're feeling better and Scott doesn't have more health problems. I might have a chance to check my mail again today if you get this and respond. If not I will read your letters next week. I love you a lot and am lucky and blessed to have you as my mom. I agree that we are talking and sharing a lot more. Oh by the way your Spanish in the dear elder was wonderful. If you keep learning and practicing you will be a pro when I get home. Love you and can't wait to hear more about you and your week.

Love Elder Son

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