Monday, December 5, 2011

Missing the Cold - December 5, 2011

I have really missed talking to you too. It was very nice of Nana and Grandpa to write me while you were gone. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Sounds like you had lots of living conditions like me, poop bag, bad toilets, washing clothes by hand and drying on lines, and not rinsing under the tap. I did it one day last week and the next day I got really sick and threw up but now I am much better and back to boiling my water to rinse my brush and mouth after I clean my teeth. 3,000 sea life, that is amazing. And the weather sounds perfect. I'm actually missing the cold, can you believe that I actually miss cold. I am still sweating everyday. But 32 sounds so cold and I still don't think I like snow. 100 mile winds and state of emergency sounds so crazy. I can't believe all the damage and craziness. You are very lucky that it was only parts of the fence and nothing to the house or pool stuff. It´s crazy that more and more storms and disasters are happening. Really makes you think about where this world is headed. Well I'm glad you're ok. I could not remember my bank pin number. I really don't use my card that much so it was hard to remember it. I finally remembered and took out 500 quets about 62.50 American. So this week has been another really hard week. I am worrying about our area. We contacted people and they don't have much interest and will not commit to a visit. They always say that they don't know if they will be leaving that day or if they will have something to do, I say that is why we are planning ahead. The appointments that we do have people cancel on us and almost always say another day or they just are not home. And we are having no help from our Branch Pres. I don't know how to work better with him to do more with the branch. But I'm keeping my head up and trying to take different approaches in contacting and teaching. I'm trying to work harder and show more love, relying on the Lord more, and being more obedient. We did have a good thing this weekend. We have a little girl that is 9 and is such an amazing girl. She actually had a problem with cancer in the past but is doing well now and very smart. She was super receptive and remembered everything we taught. She was baptized and even bore a wonderful testimony Sunday. I was so proud of her, I am still proud of her and hope that Estrella (that is her name) stays active. That is baptism number 20. Not too bad. Because our zone baptized 8 people this weekend we got to play soccer again. It has been prohibited because of an injury but we got to play and it was very fun again. Sunday was incredible. I shared a spiritually powerful testimony. I'm trying to share my testimony every month we have testimony meeting. All the testimonies were great and because there was so many people sharing there testimonies the meeting went for 2 hours. That is crazy and kinda long but it was great. This sunday is the temple dedication and I am so so excited to be a part of that and go. I will tell you about that next week. I am so glad to have the blessings of temples and after talking with people that have a crazy idea about religion and the church from the bible and other preachers I'm so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is the true church and Jesus Christ is always there for us doing so much. I'm blessed with you and my family and have so much love for you all. I'm ready for our phone call and anxiously awaiting to hear your voice. I love you mom and can't wait to hear from you and about your trip. I'm glad you are my mom and we have the gospel and blessings of the temple. Love Son

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