Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday - July 16, 2012

Thank you so much for the birthday wish. I can’t believe I’m 24 already. I think I’m going to have a fun bday and get several pieces of cake but I’m really sad because I want a baptism this Saturday and I’m not sure if we are going to be able to. But I will keep trying and hope for the best. You were crazy to walk 24 blocks in July while super pregnant. However, I’m glad you had me when you did and I’m very very glad that you are my Mom. Thank you for the present I will think of something good to do. Well this week was different then last week, don't know if I would say better. We did find a lot of new investigators but the problem is getting follow up visits and having them keep their commitments. I did have some interesting experiences this week. We were teaching someone about prayer and we were using Enos. As I read the part that said he went to hunt beasts a thought came to my mind. Why did he mention hunting? I thought about hunting. When you go hunting you are really quite and observative. When you pray you should also be quite and observative. That was really awesome for me to think about that. I was excited during the lesson and shared about hunting and prayer that I learned. I love how we can learn new things all the time from the scriptures. I got letters this week and a got a great letter from Allie. She is learning Spanish so quickly and is now in her CA misión. She said some great things and we are going to be Spanish pen pals. I got a wonderful card from Elder Card's mom. She is so wonderful and said amazing things. We will be planning a trip to go to Washington some time when I get back. The other really special card I got was from Grandma Davis. It was so special and included a picture of her. I love my card from Grandma Davis and think of it as a great treasure. I’m glad my missionary service makes her really happy. I loved hearing about the pool and can’t wait to swim. It made me think about when we lived in CA and I learned how to clean a pool, then I read in your letter that you remembered that too. I think I would be ok cleaning the pool often if it means I get to swim in it and enjoy it. My knees have hurt a couple days this week. I think when I get home I might have to get them looked at. We had an interesting experience one night. I was asleep when the other missionary that lives with us came in and turned on the lights. He said we have a problem. I thought it was 5 am and it was something with another missionary or our meeting. I looked at the clock and it was 1am. He said there is a woman outside our house crying. I went to the front gate and this woman that was completely wet from the rain and crying like a mad lady and drunk said she knows elders in the capital and she is in trouble right now and needs a place to stay. She said she doesn't want to stay inside just on our patio off the Street. We said you are a woman and we are guy missionaries you can’t stay here. She said she knows the rules that when there are 2 missionaries it is a problem but if there are 4 then there is no problem. We said it doesn't work like that. She kept crying and we didn’t know what to do. We called our neighbor that is a member and she talked with her. We heard the woman say that there are 4 of us and one of her so she will not violate us. Finally she left but it was a crazy night. Later in the week we taught an inactive woman and I shared my experiences with her and told her how much better it is to have the góspel she cried and the spirit was strong. I felt my experiences helped her because she said she would start to make the steps to change. Well Sunday was hard. We left to go get her and she said some excuses and she couldn't go. I told her about the blessings and she felt she could change and that if she didn't go I would be very sad. She didn't go. We went for an investigator and he said he could not go because he had to help his mom, but she was not there. I told him that if he wanted to be baptized he should show his family church is important and go. He didn't. We went by another investigator that had said he wants to go to church and follow Christ. When we went to get him he said he can’t because he is busy. We found out that he was going to play soccer with his friends. He said I have a commitment to them. I said do you feel you have a commitment to God? We said with soccer you get temporary fun but with church you get eternal life and true happiness. Which do you choose soccer or Christ? He said soccer. That was very disappointing. My faith was challenged but I kept thinking this is a trial how are you going to react. I learned something good that day. I learned that my sadness and frustration is how Christ feels every time someone doesn't go to church especially those who know. He feels that but it’s more intense because he suffered and died for us. Then I thought when I’m feeling challenges I can go to God in prayer and ask for his help. I also thought about I choose how things affect me. I choose to always be happy and look for the good of things so people will always see my happiness and want to share in that. That is so cool that Nana and Grandpa are temple workers I know they are so excited for that. I’m very happy for them. That concert will be fun and that is wonderful that Jeff will go too. You couldn't swim. That sounds lame. I was a sweaty mess today so the pool sounds wonderful. What is the name of Scott's family that both served missions here? When was their service? I remember seeing a picture of a park in Reu that he has. Will you ask him where it is at? I was talking to some members here and said they served here but I could not remember the names exactly. How was church yesterday? What did you learn? I really liked the talks and there was support of the missionary work. Well I can't believe how fast time is going by. I love you and hope all is well. I know you know I love you and am grateful to be your son. I will work hard to make you proud and bring the most blessings for our family. Can’t wait until next Momday. (I meant to say Monday but wrote Momday, I guess that works cause it’s the day I write mom) So until next Momday.
Love and hugs,
Your son

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