Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thinking Of You Mom - April 14., 2012

I read your dearelder yesterday and I was surprised by your recent news. Type 1 diabetes would be a shocker. That's crazy that it would manifest now later in life, because like you said it is usually common to young children and adults. Was there signs of it before? Can it just all of a sudden manifest itself? Insulin for life is a bit of a change, even more difficult if you can't give yourself the insulin. I know you can do it, you have gone through so much in life this is nothing. Poking yourself will be hard at first but it will be really good for you to do. That will be a large accomplishment. Do you go to Davis Hospital for the instruction? I think they have good people there. The diabetes center is nice, I have had meetings there for work. If you have to go there a lot you will probably see more of the people I worked with. I hear they love me and are on "team Jensen" so you will get wonderful treatment if they know you are my mama. I hope you get those readings down. That is like Brad my old boss that is a fire chief. There was a couple times his blood sugar was above 400. That is kinda scary. I was just reading some things about diabetes. They said a good diet, exercise, and support is important. You are very blessed that you have Lois, Milt, Nana, Connie,and many others who have it or have family with it that can be there to talk to you about it and give you help and support. Sounds like your diet is really good, a bummer to miss the sugars and candy, but I want to be on a healthy diet when I get home too. I try here but for a missionary it is a little difficult. I will support you with diet and exercise. I don't always like getting started with exercise but once I'm doing it or finish I feel much better. Things sound time consuming. A new schedule to adapt to and learn a new phase of your life. Do your fingers look like swiss cheese from all the poke holes? hahaha. I wish I could be there with you during this. I will just have to do many wonderful things when I get back. You know you are always in my prayers. This makes me think of something I studied recently that sticks with me a lot, just from my past experiences and other events in my life. We receive new challenges all the time and they can seem very overwhelming and often at the most inconvenient time. We can wonder "why me?" "how can I live with this?" I think about conference messages and lessons I have learned from the Book of Mormon. The challenges are opportunities to grow and learn. Everyone gets them. They help us draw closer to Christ and increase our faith. We are never alone. We are not the only one experiencing the problem. Because of the infinite blessings of the Atonement Christ knows what we are feeling and what we are going through and he will help us to rise above our trials. Some scriptures have come to my mind that I think you will like and I need to remember more during my own personal trials. They are: Alma 13:28 that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering; Alma 7:11-12 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people... that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. And one last one I thought about right now that I really like DC 122:7 Know thou, my son (daughter), that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. I love you so much Mom and will help you in any way I can. I'm excited to read about your Spanish class in my dearelder and the pool progress. Did I tell you I wanted to have a pool party right when I got home cause it would be complete but then I remembered that it will be February and pretty cold. Crazy Utah weather. I really do not miss the snow. I do miss the nice spring and cooler weather but in no way the snow. We are starting to enter the rainy season and it has been raining more here. When it rains it is like the rain you talked about. Just from the car to the door we get drenched. Today we had groceries and things we bought in the back of the truck and we got drenched getting them out and to the office. I kinda hope I'm still in the office during the rainy season hahah. That is so amazing you are in Alma 57. You most definitely will finish in less then three months. I started reading the Book of Mormon again and you have passed me. I would like to hear some of your thoughts or things you felt while reading. I'm very proud of you and really happy that you agreed to my challenge and are reading the Book of Mormon again. I mentioned a week ago that the mission did a Book of Mormon marathon. I have been a little slower at it cause of distractions with the office. I need to push on. But I have read to Alma 42 in 16 hours and 40 mins. I'm hoping I will motivate myself to focusing more time on completing it then going back to study more in depth over things. It has been really cool and exciting. Sometimes it is hard when I did not get so much sleep and after a few hours of reading straight I start to doze off. But I will finish it. Last week I struggled a little bit. I was feeling a little lonely in the office. I felt that there was some contention between a couple of us and I really did not like it. So I really have to remind myself sometimes about President Uchtdorfs two word sermon "Stop It!" I felt there were plans or decisions made with out me and sometimes for me. I felt that there was only about one or two Elders that were willing to be around me. I did not like that at all. I really miss having Elder Card as a comp. He really was the best and my friend that I could really get along with. Well I got over it. I'm trying harder to not let some things bother me and really trying to grow into a better man. There are still a couple people that we have some struggles but things are better this week. One thing I do not like about my call is that when I go certain places we usually have to wait a while in a line. I think many of the office Elders no longer want to go with me because they do not like waiting in line. I'm very glad I have lots of patience so the lines don't bother me. It is hard doing my job when I have to go with someone else but no one wants to go. I think this would be so much easier if I didn't have to go everywhere with someone at my side, but I'm learning from it and getting better. I know that when I am married I will have someone by my side all the time but it is someone I choose that I really love so it will be very enjoyable going with them. That might be something I need to try doing more here, loving the person more and making the most of it, making it fun. This next week will be very busy, but exciting and very spiritual. A member of the 70s Elder Gavarret is coming to talk with us for three days. I love having general authorities come to visit us. I learn so much. This is the second general authority from the 70s, not including Elder Falabella our area president, that has come talked to us since I have been in the field. I will make sure to let you know next week how that went. Not much happened this week. Some divisions here in Reu and lots of office work. Seems like all of the mission is having phone problems and I don't have any phones to help them. That has been hard cause people keep calling me and telling me what they need but I can only wait to receive them from my contact in the area office. I am finding solutions though so we are getting it taken care of. This call has things that I don't like and are very frustrating, but I think I am learning a lot from it. I really like that I know I have the support from President. I also love the support and love from so many people in my life. Elder Card got a package and his mom sent several packages of gummy bears for me cause she knew they are my fav. She is such a great woman. Did you ever get together when she was here? Jessica's older sister got married last week and at the wedding lots of cousins, her bishop, and others that have met me kept asking about me. That made me feel really good. That I had made a positive impression on them and that I'm important in Jessica's life. Everyone at work asks about me too. Lori that cuts Scott's hair is also very sweet to ask about me. I love the people that are in my life. I feel so blessed with people that love me and care about me and that I can get along very well with most people. How is Scott's health board position? Any more news about Sis and going to Weber? Tell all the family I love them, I miss them, and I'm grateful for them. I truly am very blessed. Mom I love you so much and I know you are so strong. Stay healthy and happy. Keep reading. Also I want to hear about your progress with the temple. When will you be going? Can't wait to read your letters and get your next email. Before we know it we will be talking on the phone aaaahhhh! Excited! Love you Mom!
Love Elder J

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