Saturday, April 21, 2012

Got to go to the Temple! - April 21, 2012

Hola Mamacita! My week was very busy, but really good. Elder Gavarret was very nice to meet. He and his wife live in Bountiful and he said after my mission I can go to lunch with him so that is very awesome. The conferences were very good. His wife gave some great talks and made me want to be even better. She has a very captivating way of talking. The parts that I heard of Elder Gavarret's talk were really good. Unfortunately with my calling I am in charge of getting the food for the conference which is disappointing when there is a 70s here because it means I leave during their talk. So I did not get to listen to all his talks. However, it was really amazing that I got lots of compliments from President and Elder Gavarret about the great job I did with all the meals. Gavarret said my job is really hard and he is grateful for what I´m doing and that I'm doing a great job. For the last conference it was with the bishops and leaders of the mission. I got lots of juices and sweet bread for a snack and set it up on a table with some nice table cloths and at the end President said we had prepared a snack for everyone. When we opened the curtain and they saw it President was very proud and impressed. Hermana Gavarret gave me a smile and thumbs up with my good work and Elder Gavarret was impressed. I felt really good. I’m glad it all turned out so well. I really enjoyed talking with Hermana Gavarret. Thursday was very exciting also. I finally got the opportunity to go to the Xela temple for a session. I went and the room was absolutely packed with missionaries. I remembered when I went to a Spanish session at the Guatemala temple while in the CCM. I did not understand much of it and when I had to talk I needed lots of help saying and remembering the words, I kinda mumbled a little cause I did not understand what the guy said. This time I understood all the Spanish and learned new things. I enjoyed remembering the covenants I have made and how I can devote myself more to my mission and serving the Lord. When I had to talk I remembered it all and I did not need any help. I even corrected the helper that was trying to help me. He was very impressed with me and my Spanish. I felt so amazing that I remembered everything and could say it quickly and without help. When I entered the Celestial Room I was the 2nd to last person. I saw a room filled with missionaries and President Maravilla and his wife, both with a huge smile on their faces. Once everyone was there President stood up and looked around the room smiling at all of us, he got tears in his eyes. I felt this is what it will be like in heaven. Surrounded by missionaries, my loving President, my loved ones throughout all eternity, prophets, and my Savior and Heavenly Father. How incredible of a feeling that was. The whole time I was at the temple I felt so at peace and like the world was miles away. I could not stop smiling and felt the most happiness. I can't imagine the happiness I will have when I go to the temple with you and my family. My wedding in the temple will be the happiest day of my life. The temple is the best and I miss going to it all the time. It is hard not going to the temple 3 or 4 times a week, or at least once a week. It just gives me a recharge and a strength. We have to go after I come home. It was also really amazing at the temple that I got to go to another session at the temple and in the 2nd session I was with Elder Card. He is the greatest guy. I will send you a pic of us at the temple. I told you his mom sent a couple things for me in his package. Well I got 5 packages of gummy bears, a microfiber towel with my name on it, and a shirt for the soccer team the Seattle Sounders. It was so amazing. I’m very grateful to Elder Card and his mom. The Great Shake Out sounds like a good idea. Better to prepare than to have something happen and have everyone scrambling around. I have probably felt a couple earthquakes but only one big one that I remember. I was in the office and I felt the whole building shaking for a couple minutes. It was crazy. Dang 5 shots a day. How do you do it? For a girl that does not like shots you are being one brave mama. I’m so proud of you testing yourself 5 times a day. With some time and courage I think you can give the shots. At first it will be really hard but I think once you do it a couple times and see that you can do it then it will be much easier. Your job is more of a blessing every time I hear about it. How wonderful of a boss and job that they let you go get help from Scott. I don't believe your old job would have done it. In fact I think they would have been poops about this and made you even more stressed and feeling terrible. So I think you got that new job for a reason that when this happened you were somewhat prepared and had a very understanding boss. I’m glad you have Scott and Lois to help you with this so much. I agree that a blessing would be a wonderful idea. You could even ask Grandpa if you want. Your last Spanish class already. That went fast. Are you going to try and find another Spanish class to take? That sounds awesome to eat out only speaking Spanish, but it is sometimes hard not to say some things in English. I do that here, I will say some things to other Elders in English. I need to try and speak just Spanish more. Sounds like the rain is all over. We are getting crazy rain here already. The high 70s and 80s sound really nice. I bet you are really anxious for the warm weather. I know Grandpa is ready for spring and to get out in his garden and yard. Sounds like with the cracked cement you have lots of work with the yard and pool. I hope you can get things fixed and finish the pool soon to enjoy it for the most of the summer. I love Saturdays because I get to read your emails and write you. I don’t really care about the other stuff I do Saturday, mainly the writing. We don’t get checked for parasites, only if you are sick for several days. That would be hard and expensive to get tested regularly. I think a lot of us know we probably have some but unless you have boo a lot and are sick for many days you just go about like normal. At the end of your mission you get some pills for a week we call "the bomb" that clean out the parasites and things. Health wise I am very good. I put on some weight in the office. Not a lot but more than I had in the field. I go to the gym a lot so that has been nice to stay healthy. I really feel so much better when I go to the gym everyday. My knees still are not the best. I have had a few days were they are kinda achy but they are doing good right now. I might get them looked at when I get home. Also I would really like to look at surgery for my eyes when I get home. I am pretty blind and I can’t imagine how nice it would be to see first thing when I open my eyes in the morning. I can’t think of anything I need right now. I think next week I get to go to the temple again to supervise. Not sure if I will get to do another session or just be there to watch over, but I sure hope I get to go again. Jessica’s older sister got married. I’m not sure what temple but she is very happy and has a great guy. He has some kids and they really love her sister. Her brother and his wife are 2 months away from having their 2nd child which is exciting. Jessica's younger sister that cuts my hair enters the MTC next week and will be going to the LA temple visitors center Spanish speaking mission. That is way cool. I’m proud of her and know she will be such an excellent missionary. I hope she gets my Spanish teacher in the MTC. Jessica’s dad had some talk of 2 new boats but so far nothing is for certain so he still lives in Cali but visits all the time. Jessica just got a new job with Clearfield dispatch. I’m excited for her and know she will do great. She was nervous about taking a polygraph test cause she has never taken one. I think it would make me a little nervous too. So she is working a lot and spending a lot of time with her mom and her niece. She is doing well. She really misses me and that makes me feel good. She writes me all the time which I like. Her mom still says she loves me. Everyone at the hospital tell her mom that they are on team Jensen. hahaha. I have made some strong impressions on people. Her family has already decided I'm part of the family. I love them too. Jessica tried to send you an email last Christmas before I called home but I don’t think you got it. I’m not sure why she has not talked with you more. I think she is a little intimidated by you two and thinks she did not make the best impression when you first met but she wants to make a good impression so that you really like her. I know you like her. I want that you two are really good friends because you will always be a big part of my life and I believe she will be a big part of my life in the future, she is a big part of my life right now. One thing I want to do when I get back is do more things together with her and you so everyone can get to know one another better. I’m so grateful for all of you in my life. I really don’t know what or who I would be without all your prayers and letters and without all the support and letters of her and her family. You all are the family I want forever. Mom I am so glad you are so far and doing so well in the Book of Mormon. I love that book. I regret that during my life I have not devoted more of my time to memorizing scriptures from it. For some reason I can remember countless lines from music and movies but tend to struggle a little more with memorizing scriptures or "little packages of light" as was mentioned in conference a year ago. Mom I love the temple. I feel closer to the Lord there and feel a peace like nothing else. It is one of the biggest dreams of mine to go to the temple with you and as a family. I know that dream will come true in the not too distant future. I really really want you to be in the temple with me when I get married. I can really see myself getting married within a year of when I get home. I need you there. We still have plenty of time to worry about that later, more than 10 months to be exact. But something to think about and maybe start working more with bishop about what we can do. I love you so much Mom with all my heart. You are a huge pillar of support in my life. I don’t think I would be the man I am today if I did not have you as my mom throughout my life. I’m super excited we get to talk in a few weeks. So I was thinking about my call letter while Hermana Gavarret was talking and I’m kinda sad I did not think about making a copy of my acceptance letter. I did not copy it before I sent it, right? I asked Elder Gavarret if there is a way to get a copy and he said talk to President Maravilla. I am writing him a letter so I will let you know how that goes. If you have a copy there of it that would be a lot easier, so let me know. Well Mom I have made this email into a book longer than Harry Potter so I will wrap up by sharing a couple simple words. I LOVE YOU! Those are probably the best words. I pray for your health and happiness. I look forward to reading your letters and talking to you again next week. Hugs and kisses Mom, Love Elder J

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