Monday, October 24, 2011

Waiting for My Package - October 24, 2011

Hi Mama! I love David he is really like my brother. No package yet I was expecting it last week but I did not get it so I'm hoping that tomorrow at our meeting I get it. It is crazy that I have 8 months already. Time has gone by so fast and I really like that everyone here always tells me they thought I had more time because my Spanish is so good. It was crazy about the rain and everyone said last week that the rainy season is over and we have sunshine again in the afternoons but everyday we have still been getting rain and sometimes a lot. Things with Elder Stzep are good. We had a good talk last week on how we can work better together on what our goals are. It really helped. He is from Guatemala in the capital, but everyone thinks he is from somewhere else because of his last name, it is very different. Just like my last 2 companions he has 21 months. Which is good but bad. It's good that he has experience but bad because sometimes they get baggy and don't want to work as hard or let some things slack. It's possible that changes in Nov he will stay here but I thought that with Elder Perez who goes home next month and he had changes. My luck has been my 2 comps with 21 months have had changes so it's possible that Elder Stzep will also. Part of me really wants changes because this area has been really hard this last week. I know I could get another area that is hard but I don't know. I really want to leave this area better then I found it, with more active members and many other good things. Right now the problem is contacting in the streets is not very successful because people don't have much interest and have strong beliefs in other churches. We want to work with the church leaders in our area but they are no help right now, and the members are very little help too. When we ask members for references they say they don't know anyone or they go to another church and it would be hard. The leaders aren't helping either so it is a little frustrating. and people are not keeping their commitments to come to church. But on the bright side we have a family that other missionaries have been working with for a long time that are getting baptized Saturday and there is a guy from here that has been living in California and is here visiting. He is very interested and is reading and praying and feels good, at peace and happy. We gave him a Book of Mormon and are trying to help him come to church. I taught him twice in English which was really weird. But I think he can progress and be baptized. I sent Jessica a letter last week so it should get there around her bday, tell sis to keep her eyes out for it. That's great that you were able to finish the pool house and it sounds like it looks very good. I hope you can get the pool done. That sounds so nice, a backyard pool party. I want one of those after my mission I cant wait to come home and go swimming. They have a Halloween here but I don't know if it is the same day or how different it will be. I will let you know. I'm so excited that the month is going by fast and I can hear your voice. I don't know who will be there that I can talk to, if I will say hi to Jess and Nana and Grandpa but I'm so excited to talk to you and I know I could talk with you the whole time. I'm doing pretty good. Just working and trying to work harder and make a difference here, be myself everyday and help people in any way I can. I love you so much Mom and I'm glad I can talk to you every week and get your letters. I like hearing what's going on in your life and just hearing about you. Thanks for writing every week and I can't wait to do it again next week. Love you with all my heart. Love Son

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