Monday, October 17, 2011

A Very Rainy Week - October 17, 2011

No package yet but I'm hoping this week. I blessed the sacrament again this Sunday. So the scale I weighed myself was wrong. I weigh 152 not 157 so I gained one pound. Changes were this week and I had changes so I said my goodbyes and it was sad because my cook cried. I packed all my things and left. It was raining really hard the morning I left and I got soaked. The rain was actually so bad that we had to wait in the stake center an hour before we could leave. We finally left and had to wait at another church because there was so much rain all over Guatemala that some roads were closed because the rain was making a river. We finally got to the office for the change meeting but did not start for ever because other zones could not get past the rain to get here. We were lucky though cause we got Subway for lunch! I have not had Subway for so long, months and months, it was to die for! They finally did the meeting and I saw Elder Meoño. As they were announcing the areas they said my companion's name Elder Perez as district leader in a different area and I thought to myself, wait a minute he does not have changes. Then in Magnolia they showed me there with a different companion. What? Turns out there was a mix up and the assistants told me I have changes when in fact Elder Perez has changes. How crazy. So I had to go back with all my stuff and unpack again and say hi to everyone I said goodbye to. But on the good side Elder Meoño is in my zone again and that is awesome. So I have a new companion Elder Stzep. Can't believe how much rain there was this week, almost no sun. I'm so glad I have my boots and chose to wear them this week. One day when we were walking and the streets were all rivers one street had water almost to the top of my boots. I want to get a picture of me walking in the river to show everyone. We have another family that is going to get married and baptized next week. Other then that this week was really bad for the work. With changes the first of the week was nothing done. The last few days were hard. No new investigators, not much luck with working with members or contacting. People just were not interested. But I read the scriptures last night and I'm feeling better today plus I think about how many people love me and are praying for me. I need to find a different way to be more successful this week and have more faith. I hope you can finish the pool and everything. Sounds like lots of work and you could use my help. Good luck and don't hurt yourselves. David is a great friend. I am going to try and do another letter to him. I'm also writing a letter to sis for her birthday and Corinne because she sent me some wonderful cards from all the kids and some super adorable pics of the kids. I love her family. Sounds like lots of rain everywhere. Enjoy your week and holiday. I sent you some pics of my adventures. Love you so much Mom and I'm so grateful for all you do for me and all your love and support. Oh yeah I gave a talk in church about coming to Christ and missionary work, I feel I did pretty good. Anyways I want to work harder and do everything I can to make you proud. Love you Mom and I can't wait for your next letter or your package. I really can't wait for two more months when I can call you and hear your voice. Love you with all my heart, Son.

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