Monday, October 31, 2011

Banana Plantation - October 31, 2011

The week was pretty good. We had divisions for a day that was my worst divisions with another missionary yet. We didn't get along, we fought over a couple rules, and we only taught one lesson. But I learned a lot. I learned to take the lead if we are on divisions again and not doing anything I will say whom can we visit or let's contact. I had a experience on divisions that was crazy too. We were doing service all morning far from the house and when we were returning hours later I had to use the bathroom so bad. We were almost home but I could not do it so I luckily found a bathroom for 2 quets and was relieved. Saturday was the wedding of the family and that went really well. Then the baptism was at 5 but we told everyone 4 because they are always late. Sure enough at 5 there was only a few people and no family. Finally after 5:30 the family was there and more members. The family was happy. I have been reading from the teachings of Spencer W Kimball but in Spanish and his life is incredible and the things he taught. I found a really cool quote about how Christ has tears in his eyes and a smile on his face when he sees all the souls that came to him this year and entered the waters of baptism. He also has much love for the people that helped in the conversion. It was perfect for the baptism. This is my 3rd family and I think my 19th baptism. It has been 2 weeks since I have gotten dearelders cause the leaders won't bring it, same with the package. But we have a conference in Reu and I think I will get it there. Progress is slow here and we have very little to work with now that this family is baptised but I will do all I can. I really love the book about teachings of Spencer Kimball. He did so much for the church and has incredible life stories and insights. Have you read it before or any other book of the teachings of the presidents of the church? The pool sounds like so much work but I bet you'll love it when you can go chill in the pool next year. Hope you get it all done. I'm glad that Jessica will get her letter for her bday. So I have two questions. Will you cover my tv in my room for me so it is protected? Can I wear brown pants with black shoes and what color ties can I wear with brown pants? I'm thinking of getting some brown pants. I'm glad you got to go see the family and hold Ivie. I can't wait to hold her and Corinne's kids. 18 days until the Philippines that is crazy. You're going to have so much fun especially because it is with the Beus'. Thanks for the email address I was using a s instead of a f for her email so it didn't work. So today for pday we went to a banana plantation of Del Monte bananas that the 2nd counselor of the stake works as one of the top dog bosses. It was so cool to see all the banana trees with a zip line that they use to send the bananas to the main area. There they inspect them and wash them then package them for export. No where in the states grows bananas and here is a major place to get them from. It was pretty cool to see thousands of trees and hear how they do it and see the process. So the next time you eat a Del Monte banana I saw them in person on the tree. I will send some pics. Thanks for the email and the letters and always supporting me. I love you so much Mom and Mondays always make my week so much better. Sorry for the stupid things I did as a kid and any pain I caused you. You're the best mom I could have and I'm glad you're my eternal family. Until next week. I eagerly await to hear from you.
Love Son

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