Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama - August 15, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Where did you go to eat and what did you do? Xetulul was way fun, I loved spending the day in normal clothes and being with Elder Meoño, Elder Heaps, and Elder Torress. My zone is so much fun. I love the people in it. We saw an incredible magic show and had lunch there with President. It was really yummy. The park has areas that are designed to look like different parts of the world so we had an area of Germany that made me think of David and our time in Germany together, an area of France and Spain and a sweet Mayan temple. There is not a lot of rides but they are pretty fun. However, the coolest ride, the giant white rollercoaster, we could not ride because President said it was kinda dangerous and we can't go. But everything else was fun and I loved the rock wall too. It was kinda hard to go back to work after that or not go home and take a nap. Sunday I taught the gospel principles class on repentance and did pretty good. My Spanish has really improved. President has even said that my Spanish is very good. You haven't seen me when I have shaved my head shorter then that? The Stevens spoiled me, but I'm really looking forward to your package as always. I'm glad you enjoy your job and the people you work with, that really does make a big difference. The party sounds way fun. I am excited to lay by our pool too. Pools are wonderful. That is a bummer about Saint George but the Philippines sound amazing. I miss the tomato and bacon sandwiches from the garden. So this week I am going to really work on increasing my faith in Christ, Faith in me, and my investigators. I think it will really help me in my life. Also on Sunday our cooks sisters son died and we went to the funeral. It was sad but made me very grateful for the plan of salvation and the blessing of being with my family for eternity. Best blessing ever. I'm so grateful for my family, for you my mom, and all that you have done for me and given me. You helped me to become the wonderful man that I am becoming. Thank you for everything, I love you so much. Have a wonderful birthday and give yourself a birthday hug and kiss from me. Love you Mama. Love, Son

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