Monday, August 6, 2012

New Area - Rio Blanco - August 6, 2012

Well lightening has struck again. I went to the change meeting with my comp and was watching and sure enough my name pops up in a different area. I thought you got to be kidding me, another change meeting that they messed up and didn't tell me correctly. Well I am now in Rio Blanco in the mountains with Elder Escobedo. The Zone Leaders said they had no idea. I had to go home and pack my bags in less than 2 hours and that was hard. I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone that was also hard. As I was packing I went to move a fan that was on so it would blow on me and I did not see that behind the fan some of the bars on the cage were missing. Well I stuck my finger in the fan. It hurt so bad and I got a big blood blister. I got all packed and had to take a bus to San Marcos. Then stay the night there and we got a ride in a pickup from the stake president there. Three of us rode in the bed of the truck up the mountain to our area and it was a little cold but not too bad. Rio Blanco is so beautiful, I love the look of the mountains with all the trees. It is cold here and I love it because I don’t sweat. The only bad thing is that it gets pretty cold in the morning and night and for a few days our shower heater was not working. There is no other feeling like a cold ice shower in the cold mountains. Now we had another problem with water and since yesterday we have had none. But I still love it. My comp Elder Escobedo is from Nevada. We were friends from another zone and always joked about being comps, well now we are. He is funny and great to work with, he really wants to work and I love that. His mom is from Guatemala and his dad is from Mexico so no one believes he is an American. Our house was super super dirty so when we got there we did a major cleaning and now it is so beautiful. The Elders before were not good and the members here are all very glad that we visit them and want to work. The others left a very bad impression. It is a small branch, we only had 37 in church yesterday. However, the members are super awesome and love us. They work hard and really want to help the missionaries. The Hermanas got together yesterday and had a meeting about who will give us lunch which days. I really like them. Yesterday something really cool happened. A member said there was an investigator here that we should teach. So we taught her in the church and she said she has read all the Book of Mormon to Moroni. That was incredible. She says she believes it is true and that she will be baptized. How amazing was that! What a blessing.
Sounds like you are finally getting more people to come enjoy the pool. Sounds amazing. The pool party sounds like a blast. I would love to go swimming with Corinne’s kids. They are so amazing. I want 6 kids of my own and I hope they are as great as her kids and that I do as great a job as she does. I really don’t know how she does it. They sent me a letter and they were all wonderful. I also got 2 pics. Her kids are getting so big it was crazy. Kembree and Ivie are so much bigger than the last time I saw them. I love that family. Pool party with steaks sounds so tasty. Oh in Rio Blanco they are known for apples, there are a lot here. However, they do not make apple juice. That was strange for me. But last night at dinner we drank this delicious peach drink. I shared my testimony yesterday. I love sharing it. That is a bummer about the pool. I hope they get it fixed quickly. I didn't know Guatemala has never won a medal. I didn't know lots of countries have never won a medal. That is funny about RJ's hair. That would be very surprising. Not the haircut I would want to get. I can understand about the temple feelings but at least do all you can to get an active temple recommend. I haven't got anything from Nana but I will keep my eyes open. I’m still waiting for a package from David. It has been a month and that is disappointing. But I have faith it will all get here. I love you Mom and am glad you are enjoying the pool and time with family. I am doing great here and really love it. I wish you could see it. I will send you a pic of the mountains. I have wanted to send pics but the computers have had problems and I ran out of time. I love you so much and can’t wait to write you again and share my awesome new stories. Love you so MUCH!
Love Jensen

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