Monday, August 13, 2012

Love the New Area - August 13, 2012

I absolutely love my new area. It is kinda cold and so beautiful. We really are in the middle of the mountains. We are about an hour up the mountain from San Marcos. The only bad thing about my area is that a lot of members and investigators live far from us about an hour and a half walking and there are very steep grades of mountain to walk up. Last Wednesday we went to Cabrican, it is an 1 hour from us and the walk was on a dirt road in the middle of the mountain walking up huge hills. I actually was sweating for once here. We were blessed with a ride in a pickup, in Spanish it’s called salon, the member there took us to 3 references that were very positive. I can’t explain how awesome the members are here. They really work hard to help us. They have said a lot about the other elders so I think they are very happy we are here to work. I have never had so many lessons with members in all my mission. I really love them and they have amazing testimonies. We contacted our neighbor in front of us and she is so positive. She has really studied the Bible because she really wants to find the truth. She was very positive and I think she will be baptized this month or next month. I got a letter from Elder Brown’s mom. He was my district leader in SanSe and lived in my house. He is really nice and funny. I liked living with him. His mom was very nice and I am grateful to get a letter from her. Elder Escobedo is great. He has 21 months in the mission so I might kill him here, that means I’m his last comp. We really get along and have fun with each other. I think it is my best companionship since Elder Card. We have had lots of success with the members and have found 7 investigators last week and 7 this week too. We are going to make great progress here. My finger is healed up from the fan attack but I was opening my tub of yogurt and cut my big thumb. I am having bad luck with my fingers. No package from David or Nana yet but it is hard to get them in the mountains so I hope I get it this week. That sounds way hot but the pool sounds amazing. That is so cool that you got tickets to the movies. Was the movie good? It sounds sweet. That is awesome that Jamen came over with Camden. That is fun for everyone. I think he will want to come over more. I know Corinne’s kids are great swimmers and that they are amazing kids. I really love them. Bacon tomato sandwiches sound so tasty. I am happy that you both are loving the pool so much. In my calendar there is a pic of you and me on a 4 wheeler and it is kinda funny cause you look almost black. How much color are you getting? Jessica sounds like she is having lots of fun and doing a lot. How is her school progress? I went to the 3 temple sessions for the Xela temple and each session was so incredible. I highly encourage you to do all you can to go to them. The spirit is incredible. Who will be the one to dedicate it? I have many many good friends back home. Now when I return home I will have many more amazing friends. I am planning some trips to visit people at BYU. Yesterday we had a giant meeting with the 3 branches here. We presented ourselves and what we want to do with the members and talked about an activity for couples that we are planning for the 22. I think it will be very successful. The people are loving us more and more. I went with another elder here to go to a cita but it was more than an hour away. We left with a member at 6pm. We were walking on a path following directions and got lost in pure forest. We finally got back to the main trail and found our way to the house in the middle of nowhere. We taught a lesson but the mom doesn’t understand much. We have a dinner with a member at 8 every Sunday. We left the house at 7. The member with us said to follow this road. Well it was walking up one of the steepest hills and we almost died from being so tired. It was dark but luckily I brought my flashlight. We walked and were completely alone on the mountain walking over 7 KM. We finally got back at 9:30 and we were so tired. I will be honest I did complain a little but then I changed my attitude and was grateful for the chance to teach more children of God. Plus we were blessed again with another jalon for the last little bit of the trip. I have hiked in the mountains more here than anywhere even in Utah hahaha. But I love the area. I love you Mom and can’t wait to hear more from you. Take care and enjoy the pool. I love you so much.
Love, Jensen

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