Monday, June 25, 2012

San Sebastián in Las Palmas - June 25, 2012

I’m doing really well. My new area is San Sebastián in Las Palmas. It is just a few miles from the office so I’m still really close. My new comp is Elder Najera, he is from Guatemala the capital. Change meeting was so stress free, I loved it. What a change. Because I was close I got to go to the goodbye dinner of the people that are leaving. I got a last dinner with Elder Card and got to say goodbye. He left his area at 4 in the morning and was super tired and he did not get home until 8:00 at night so I imagine he was very tired. My new area is nice but I miss the air conditioning, it is very hot. And it has rained about everyday so I have gotten soaked a couple times. The members are great and have warmed up to me very quickly. We pay for lunch but the Relief Society takes turns each week getting us dinner so that has been wonderful. Except I have to do more exercise because they are fattening me up. The members also have really cute kids that have warmed up to me very fast. I love this ward. President told me to learn this area well and work hard because this next change my comp goes home and President said I will be training. This week we had a great lesson with a Hermana. We taught about the Book of Mormon and reading the scriptures. It was very spiritual. I asked her how she feels. She said that she has noticed a better difference every time we come. I told her that was the spirit testifying that this is true. So hopefully she keeps her commitment to read and pray. We had a baptism Saturday.  A little girl that is a cutie was baptized. I gave her a CTR ring and she loved it. She is a smart kid and we get along great. In our house there are four of us living there and it is fun. I have a funny story about our house. One night I got up to go use the bathroom. It was late and I was tired so I didn’t use my glasses. I walked towards the door way dodging the desk and thought, wow it is really dark in our kitchen, normally it is lighter than this. I walked forward and slammed right into the door. My comp had closed the door that night and I did not know. It made me laugh. When I opened the door it was lighter like I thought it should be. I’m glad Raelyn got the card and liked it. I thought it would be cool to get some money from Guatemala. Sounds really hot there. How lucky that you have completed the pool. The yard and pool all sound amazing. 7 different colors of lights that is awesome. I’m very excited to swim in it every day. I can’t wait to see the pool. I can imagine that you are absolutely loving it. That was nice that Jess came and helped. That is so amazing that you finished the Book of Mormon. What did you think? How is the temple progress? I’ve been learning lots of new things from the Book of Mormon, such a powerful book. David said he would read it too, because he knows it is important to me. Grandpa got a cell phone. Wow they are getting way high tech. IPhones, IPads, cell phones, plasma TVs. Do they have a Blu-ray yet? That is good though. Their temple is almost done and I know they are so excited for it. Are you going to go to the open house? You should try and get your recommend so you can go to the dedication with Nana and Grandpa. Your hands sound way bruised so it is good you got a pool to make it worth it. This week we have a multi zone conference so I’m excited for that. It has been very good to be in the field again teaching and finding people. Right now it is a little hard finding people and getting more lessons but I know we can do it and make a big difference. I love you and pray you are happy and safe. Send my love to the family and I will anxiously look forward to hearing from you next week. 
Love, Son

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