Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 55 - March 10, 2012

Mi Madre! I really can't believe how quickly time is passing. This week went by way fast and next week we have lots of trainings and things for the mission so I think that will go by very fast also then there is General Conference. Crazy where the time is going. That is awesome that the priests came and taught you. Sounds like they did very well and that they also enjoyed the brownies. They sound like they do a lot. Once again it is incredible to see the sacrifice for missionary work. The two young men have put aside sports, homework, food and everything to practice teaching the gospel. They are going to be great missionaries. Do they do challenges for reading the Book of Mormon and for getting baptized? I agree also that this will be great for you and Scott. So Saturday or Sunday you will be back to Guatemala time. Does it start to look like spring or still have the bad weather? To complete the backyard you have sprinklers, grass, landscaping and finish the pool right? I love girl scout cookies. At the store here there was a sale on Kiebler Elf rainbow chip cookies. They were two for one. I bought 2, so 4 packages total of cookies. I ate one complete pack by myself in two days. I kinda went crazy with snacks. But I am going to the gym a lot and feeling great. I weigh 162 lbs but I am in good shape and working on making my back and core stronger. Speaking of eating food, sometimes missionaries make some strange food. I made a taco concoction. It had a hot dog, spam, singles cheese slice, chilis, salsa, and mustard. Not my proudest food moment but it was not that bad. Spanish news is very fast but I believe you will pick more and more up very quickly. I'm very happy and proud you are learning Spanish. And I'm glad the Spanish Coach is helping a lot. We can have Spanish nights when I get back, that will be so fun. It will be very helpful when we visit Guatemala or other countries and you can actually understand people. I admit I do need to work on my Spanish more, I have gotten bad at studying right now. This week we went to President's house for dinner on Monday. I had written him a card the week before. I always go by his house to get a signature from him and he was joking around and said when I visit it is because I always want something from him. As he said that I tried not to tell him I actually have a visit to bring you a treat but I wanted it to be a surprise. Monday night I had some more papers for him to sign but after we ate some dinner with them and were ready to leave I went back into his office. I said President I have one more thing for you. I opened my folder and gave him the card I made and a Snickers, his favorite candy. I said in the card that I am grateful for all he does for me and all of the mission. He is very spiritual and hardworking and I want to develop a character like him. I told him before I never really knew how much he does and how much reports and pressure he gets from the area office and others. I said that from my short time in the office I have seen how much is on his mind and how much he has to do but he always is ready to help us and show his love for us. I told him to take a few minutes and relax while he enjoys the Snickers. He really liked it. I really liked giving it to him. Made me very happy. More and more I keep learning how much I enjoy giving to others. Tuesday we had a training with the zone leaders. President wanted something different so I found us a nice hotel with a conference room. It was way nice and the staff treated us excellently. The manager is a member and got us a deal. The place costs Q600 but we got it for Q250. Just had to pay for the super delicious food. In the conference President mentioned my letter to him and how grateful he was. He said he really does a lot and there are missionaries that think he does nothing and doesn't love them. But I know he does. In the conference I learned some things about church. One reason we go to church every Sunday is to prepare for the temple, and for the Santa Cena. Another interesting thing is why the worth of souls is great to God and why His work of bringing the eternal life of man is important. It is all important and the worth of souls is great because of the Atonement of Christ. He suffered everything for us, so if our souls and eternal life were not important then the Atonement was of no worth. Interesting things to think about. I am going to study more of the Atonement and life of Christ. They are powerful things. I think there is a wise purpose to all the changes and experiences in the mission. I am going to follow your advice about dad. Oh I wrote a letter to Nana, Grandpa and Grandma Davis. They should get it soon. I also wrote a really good letter to my brother David. So I'm excited to hear what he has to say. He should keep a look out this next week for it. I am going to write a few more letters today. It is kinda slow but I will get them complete and sent. Mom I also want to tell you how much I love Jessica's family. they are so nice and really care about me. I'm not going to focus on it for another year but there is a good possibility of a future there. This week has been good and I'm so excited for conference in a couple weeks. How are you going to prepare for conference? I like to write some questions and think about it as I watch. I hope you watch all the sessions again, that was very awesome to hear last time. How is your reading of the Book of Mormon? Are you using the chart I sent? One more question I want to ask. What are you doing to get a temple recommend and go to the temple this year? I really want you to go to the temple for two reasons. Number 1: I want you to receive the blessings that come from the temple. It truly is the house of the Lord and there is a peace there like nowhere else. We receive protection and knowledge that we desperately need in a world that gets more and more crazy. I want to go to the temple with you and make that a regular activity. Number 2: I could see myself getting married not long after I get home from my mission and Mom I need you to be there. It would be a great blessing and dream for me to have my family in the temple with me. I love you so much Mom. I love that you are the best missionary mom. I love how much you support me and write me and talk about me. You're the best Mom ever and I love you forever. Can't wait to get your next letter. Enjoy this novel I just wrote, haha. Te amo mucho. Espero que tengas una semana de felicidad y seguridad. Estás en mis oraciones y mi corazón.
Con mucho amor tu hijo Elder Cox

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