Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Week of Conferences - February 4, 2012

Mi semana fue muy bien. This last week we had a conference with the zone leaders on Tuesday, a conference with the district leaders, and Thursday we went to different zones to be a part of their planning session and share things from the conferences. The conference was really good, I learned a lot from President Maravilla. That is one thing I really love about the office. I get to go to many conferences and learn from President and because he comes to work in the office a lot I get to talk with him more and learn other things. We had a good talk in the office the other day about studying the scriptures. He is very spiritual, loving, and a great man. I really look up to him. We had a office meeting before the conferences and it was very spiritual. We were talking about some changes to the mission and I could see the revelation that President and the Elders had. Very awesome. I felt the earthquake a week ago. It was crazy I was working in my office and the building started shaking. Biggest earthquake I have personally felt. You're getting neighbors? Wow that would be weird to see the empty field now changing and with time turn into a house. They sound like good people. Only downside is that will make the pool a little more difficult to complete right? But no biggy. That is so good you're taking a Spanish class. I really want you to. It will help a lot only speaking in Spanish. That is what my teacher did at Weber, and it helped a lot. That is so cool. Now we can practice Spanish together and you can understand more of the news letters and even President if you ever talk to him. Lunch sounds very fun. Nana and Grandpa have wrote me about the tv and how they really watch a lot of movies now. They love the tv and did not know how much they like relaxing and watching a movie at the end of the day. I'm happy for them, they really have had that tv for a long long time and I'm positive that they are loving the difference of quality. I want to see this fish tank when its done. I have seen pics of tanks like that and they are very cool. Has she done anymore with workers comp? So I don't know if you have heard, but Nana wrote me about their day with Kembree. For dinner they used the old place mats that you girls had. She got to pick any of them and she chose yours with the Colt and the Mare. During dinner Grandpa wanted to teach her a little and was explaining about what you call the mama horse and baby. Every meal she would use the same placemat and ask Grandpa again. When they went home she told her mom that she was eating on a Coke and Mary. What a little cutie pie. She would also look at the pics on the wall and see me and say that's my Jensen, then smile. I love that little girl. That is also cute that Camden asked about me, he misses his buddy at our house. I'm almost done reading the Book of Mormon again. I just started Ether. The Book of Mormon is so good and I have learned a lot. For my pday today we are going to try and go bowling. I never imagined I would do that in Guatemala. We tried last week but some kids had the place for all day so we couldn't go. Anyways this week has been good and I'm excited for the change meeting in two weeks to see my friends and learn new things. I think the office is a great experience for me. Mom we as missionaries focus a lot on commitments and putting dates with people so I'm going to try one with you. When is the soonest you could get a temple recommend and go do some temple work? We talked about temples the other day with President. There are so many people here in Central America that have to drive 8 hours to go to a temple. We are blessed in Utah with so many temples right by our house that I want us to take every opportunity we have with this great blessing. They are amazing blessings that will help us all. I know I am going to go very often when I get home. I even have the opportunity to go to the Xela temple a couple times in the mission. President got permission that we can go this month or next month. That is so exciting and amazing. Big news for the mission. I love you and love reading your letters. I love your support and everything you do for me. We are best friends and I'm one proud boy that you're my mama. Can't wait to read your next letter and write again. LOVE YOU! Love Elder Son

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