Saturday, February 18, 2012

Prayers are Answered - February 18, 2012

Mi semana fue poco loco porque los cambios. The new people came in on Tuesday and I had to give another short presentation about money and their cards. Then I had to buy them food for lunch and pay for the dinner at Presidents house. Wednesday was changes and I had to pay for the breakfast of the new people. I cashed a check that morning and I went through the whole check that day. I had no idea what goes into running a mission. We opened up two new areas but it was a scramble to get the beds and things for the houses. Then I had lots of people asking me money questions. President said that changes are the busiest day for the financial secretary and boy do I agree with that. I did however get to spend some time with those that are leaving cause their mission is over. They were here at the church until around 12:30 or 1 in the morning when their bus left. I got to watch Tangled with them so that was way fun. They finally left and I got some of my work ready for the next day and finally left the office close to 2 am. Very long day. I had a cool experience this last week with prayer. I was preparing a check for the mission a couple days after I had received and cashed the other check. As I was preparing the check my program said that I was missing 3000 quets. I was shocked. I had just cashed a check on Friday and I did not make any large purchases since that day or give out that much money. I was really stressed about where that money was. We were short on money and I needed the new check but I could not get it until I had fixed the 3000. I searched all over almost tearing my office apart. I was searching and searching through my brain about what I did with the money. I said 2 or 3 prayers about finding the money. I finally really needed more money so I worked out the paper but I was still missing the 3000. I had a thought it could have been a fault with the bank but I did not know for sure. 2 days later when I went to the bank for a different check. One lady that works there said she needed to talk with me. She said she had made an error and has 3000 quets I was missing. My heart and spirit jumped for joy. I did not lose the 3000, it was the bank like I thought. I was relieved and strengthened my testimony of prayer. My problem was not made right in the instant I wanted it to be, but I prayed and put my faith in God, did all on my part to find it. Then a little later my prayer was answered and I knew I was being looked after. It was very amazing. It was strange seeing the others leave. I thought wow, that will be me in a year. Does not feel like it. The Book of Mormon page is great. I read it in Spanish in 2 months and 11 days at the very beginning of my mission and I did it in Spanish. Very exciting. But more then anything it is a cool paper to track your progress. I love that we can be together forever. That is one more reason I'm so excited about going to the temple with you and the family is to get a preview of what it will be like together in heaven. I really liked sending the card to Card´s mom. (haha that sounded kinda fun card to Card's mom. Or imagine when I send a card to Card. haha). They are great people and I would love to plan a trip later to go see Elder Card and his family in Washington and see Seattle. But she is right you are an amazing mother and were great to me and raised me very well. What a nice Valentine's Day. Roses, a great sounding movie, and steak and lobster. Sounds delicious. I think it is great you are mixing Spanish and Ingles. That is a great way to learn. Say all you can in Spanish and what you can't say it in English. Just keep practicing and learning and you will get it in no time. I remember in the CCM we played Cabeza, cara, hombros, pies. It was fun. we also played a word game that has to do with saying limon and a number and if you mess up you lose a limon. You say what someone elses number to pass to them. It was to work on saying words faster. That's cool that your teacher learned in España on a mission. I want to take some more Spanish classes when I get back I think to keep improving my Spanish. I am way happy you're learning and liking it so we can talk and you can understand things from my President and mission. I got a great letter from Grandpa and he said when he was in his mission for about a year he was a secretary in the office too. I love the letters that Nana and Grandpa write me. Grandpa is my role model I want to be like him. I also got a great letter package from the Stevens family. Jessica's niece made me a picture, I got letters from the family saying they really love me and are so proud of me and are excited to share with me when I get home. I got pics too. It was very kind and thoughtful. I keep thinking how blessed I am and that I am one of the luckiest guys in the world. I have a mom who is the best missionary mom, correction the BEST MOM ever. I have a family that loves me and supports me. Grandparents that love writing me and pray for me, and put my name in the temple all the time. Aunts and cousins that cheer me on and let me share with them. Friends extremely close to me, my brother David who is willing to do anything for me and really looks after me. Jessica and her family that think the best of me. It is through the love and support of the many incredibly wonderful people in my life that I know without a doubt that my Heavenly Father loves me. I love you mom and I am proud to be your son and have a mom like you. I love you with all my heart. Can't wait to hear more about your week and hear more of your wonderful Spanish. Te amo con todo mi corazon y estoy anticipando su proxima carta.
Your loving Elder Son

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