Monday, September 12, 2011

Quetzal - September 12, 2011

My companion and I are doing really really well. We are getting along joking and laughing, and teaching well. We are slowly getting to know the area but it is big and hard to find all the members. Coatepeque is actually part of Quetzaltanango. The suitcase was crazy. Thanks for looking for my baptism info. So we get a little over 2,000 quets a month, can't remember exactly how much. Rent is 425 each, our cook for lunch and dinner everyday but Monday is 500 each, and laundry is 100. It is actually really a good deal. Money from the States can really go far here. One quetzal is worth about 13 cents in US dollars. Can't think of anything I need right now. Did my Rockport shoes have any warranty? They are wearing out way bad and one shoe is not completely waterproof anymore. The biggest thing that makes me mad is that the shoes have worn a hole and are destroying my shoe insert you sent. Might look into a pair of waterproof shoes here. Thank you for checking my balance, I don't check it because of the fees. I will write you when I spend money from it. Sounds like fun that everyone was there at Peach Days. I miss the parade but most of all thinking about the dutch oven lunch is difficult. And peach shakes with bacon sandwiches sounds so so yummy. So sometimes our water goes out at our house and we have to take showers from a bucket of water. I have gotten used to it and sometimes when we have water in the morning I still use the bucket because I heat up the water. Warm showers are the best and here if I want one I have to heat the water. When you write Dear Elders can you include the date? It is not always there and because we get them at different times that helps me know when it is from. Back pain is better this week but because the roads are made of rocks and dirt my legs get so tired at the end of the day. My right knee has been really hurting. Another crazy thing, the last couple months I have been weighing myself. Entering the field I was around 175, in June I was 161, Aug I was down to 157, and now I am at 151 lbs. I don't know if part of it is the scale could be a little inaccurate but still that is a lot of weight difference. Crazy. Things are good. I'm getting to know more people here and enjoy my companion a lot more then my last companion. We have a talk to give next week and hopefully this Saturday we will have some baptisms. There was a problem with finding the little kid to be baptised Saturday so we didn't do it. I'm really excited for conference next month. Time is going by so fast in my mission it is crazy. I almost have seven months and before I know it I will have a year. I'm trying to learn a lot. Right now I'm trying to find how to get more out of my scripture studies. Love you so much and think about you and the family a lot. I love you and am glad to serve a mission and bless my family. Until next week Mom, it will go by fast again. Love you so much and pray for you too. I mailed 2 more letters, to Nana and my Jessica.
Love son.

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