Monday, November 14, 2011

Changes - November 14, 2011

The slip on shoes are a little big but I really love them. It's nice to have more then one pair of shoes to switch between. Everything made it fine and I love it all. I am hoping for good results from David´s vitamins. I love the peanut butter so much. I can now relate to the people on Survivor when they get some peanut butter in a challenge, it is heavenly. That is so cool that the pool is almost done. The weather sounds terrible. I keep thinking how different this Christmas will be. I will miss all our traditions but I will get a phone call which will be the best gift. Speaking of phone calls there are two elders that are my friends and listen to this. They have the phone call then 10 days later they will be home. How crazy would that phone call be, I'm home in ten days. Then I started thinking about next Christmas and I will be home in 2 months after my phone call, can you believe that! I hope you will have internet in the Philippines. I really look forward to your emails and letters every week. The Philippines on Thursday wow that is going to be so awesome, I still can't believe it. And you're going with the Beus´. It is going to be so awesome for you, I want to hear all about it. Oh Christmas music, I will miss some of our music, but surprisingly I have heard a lot here already. This week was very different and interesting, probably of all my mission. Tuesday we had interviews with President Maravilla. That night we had planned to do divisions and I would be working with the zone leaders in their area. In the interviews President looked upset. He was with my companion for a long time. After the interviews I went to the area with the zone leaders. The next day the zone leaders said we need to do divisions again and I would be in Centro again because one of them needed to stay with my companion. That night they told me we are having emergency changes and my companion is leaving Thursday. Thursday I went with him to the mission office and he went in to talk with President and I was told that my new companion is not ready yet so they are taking me back to the zone leaders to be with them for the night. Friday they said there was still a problem with the companion changes and I was with the zone leaders again. I was with them all week only returning to my area to get a change of clothes. Saturday I got my new companion. Elder Rosales is from another area in the zone and his companion is getting a mini missionary, someone from a ward that helps be a companion for a week or two until changes. It was crazy. My other companion had 2 cell phones with him and President found out. I heard he went home. That was very dumb of him cause he only had less then 3 months left, what a waste of a mission. What a different week I had, away from my area from Tuesday to Saturday. My new companion is cool. We are getting along and I think we are going to work great. This Thursday we are also going on a trip. We are going to the open house of the Xela Temple. I am so excited to see it, I heard it is beautiful. This is the only time we get to go, but I want to do a session before I return home from my mission. I also have my pass to go to the dedication in December at the stake center. So exciting. Our branch is going to the temple next Wednesday. They also had this Tuesday but they are a bit unorganized and no one is going this Tuesday which is a shame. In my letters I got this week there was a letter from Scott. It was very thoughtful and I thought it was cool. Tell him thank you. The things he wrote about success with companions is so true and I thought about that a lot. You both are so good to me. Thanks for all you do. I still don't know about Christmas, easiest would probably be money. What do you think? Our phone call is so soon it is going to be awesome. I hope you are safe on your trip and enjoy every minute of the warm weather and the diving. I know you will have so much fun. I'm going to work really hard this week and get our investigators to come to the temple open house. I want to leave Magnolia better then when I came here. This mission is changing me to be a better man. Thanks for all your love and letters. I love you with all my heart. Love Son

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